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Hello old friends! Well it has certainly been a long time since we've done an update, so we've decided to release part 1 of a big update now instead! Remember to update your game via the in game updater or by the external updater to make sure you have the latest build, which is Build 1218, below you can read about what's been updated, fixed or changed:
资源来源: dmhy
索引建立时间: 2023-01-20 01:45:07
热门程度: 0
种子地址(BT): Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories PC GTA VCS PC ★侠盗猎车手之罪恶都市传奇★ MOD 官方1218版+萌兔丶纸1218修改版+跳过拦截卡车存档
磁力链接(magnet): Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories PC GTA VCS PC ★侠盗猎车手之罪恶都市传奇★ MOD 官方1218版+萌兔丶纸1218修改版+跳过拦截卡车存档