[喵萌奶茶屋&VCB-Studio] Burn the Witch / 龙与魔女 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [Fin] - KOTOMI RSS
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[喵萌奶茶屋&VCB-Studio] Burn the Witch / 龙与魔女 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [Fin]



龙与魔女 / Burn the Witch BDRip
10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。每话约 800 MB。

这个项目与 喵萌奶茶屋 合作,感谢他们精心制作的字幕。
This project is in cooperation with Nekomoe kissaten. Thanks to them for elaborating Chinese subtitles.

“BURN THE WITCH"原盘画质还不错,主要问题仅有些许锯齿和轻微的晕轮。我们使用常规抗锯齿处理了线条,但不可避免对画面中经常出现的细碎线条和纹理也稍有破坏。
The source quality of Burn the Witch is decent, the main problems are occasional aliasing and mild ringing. We applied routine anti-aliasing to the line-art but this also slightly damaged the thin and snatchy lines and textures as an unavoidable side-effect.

感谢所有参与制作者 / Thanks to our participating members:
总监 / Script:はかせ
压制 / Encode:Kuro
整理 / Collate:Azure
复查 / QC:百江なぎさ, はかせ
发布 / Upload:Yokawa
分流 / Seed:VCB-Studio CDN 分流成员(详细名单见主站)

感谢所有资源提供者 / Thanks to all resource providers:
CD: m10086288@TSDM( https://www.tsdm39.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1018368)

有关 TSDM 合购区的详情请参见 https://www.tsdm39.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=879923
Please refer to https://www.tsdm39.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=879923 for more informa...


资源来源: dmhy

索引建立时间: 2021-05-09 15:35:03

热门程度: 0

种子地址(BT): [喵萌奶茶屋&VCB-Studio] Burn the Witch / 龙与魔女 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [Fin]

磁力链接(magnet): [喵萌奶茶屋&VCB-Studio] Burn the Witch / 龙与魔女 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [Fin]


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