[喵萌奶茶屋&VCB-Studio] 让我聆听爱的歌声 / 让我听见爱的歌声 / Ai no Utagoe wo Kikasete 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [Fin] - KOTOMI RSS
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[喵萌奶茶屋&VCB-Studio] 让我聆听爱的歌声 / 让我听见爱的歌声 / Ai no Utagoe wo Kikasete 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [Fin]


让我聆听爱的歌声 / 让我听见爱的歌声 BDRip
Ai no Utagoe wo Kikasete BDRip
アイの歌声を聴かせて BDRip

内封原盘 JPN 字幕;外挂 FLAC 5.1 + 视障音轨 + 评论音轨。
Embedded official JPN PGS. MKA contains FLAC 5.1 + Audio Guide + commentary track.

这个项目与 喵萌奶茶屋 合作,感谢他们精心制作的字幕。
This project is in collaboration with Nekomoe kissaten. Thanks to them for elaborating Chinese subtitles.

原盘画质中等偏上,多数场景原生分辨率 957.4p。线条质量不错,仅有一些锯齿。平面则有较强的动噪,质量差强人意,部分特效场景存在轻度欠码(比如第一组截图),另有一些场景有一定色带,除此之外便没有什么瑕疵了。考虑到较高的原生分辨率和线条质量,我们没有进行逆向拉升重构,处理主要集中在抗锯齿、去色带、补偿性锐化、自适应降噪。另外我们还对特效场景进行了自适应去色块以提升观感。出于剧情需要,片中有一些场景带有明显的艺术效果(比如第九组截图),对于这部分,我们没有进行处理,以确保观感的原汁原味。
The quality of the source is preferable, and most of the scenes have a 957.4p native resolution. The lines are great, though some aliasing occurs. The flat area seems just fine with strong dynamic noise. Some scenes with effects show a little lack of bitrate (please refer to the first pair of comparisons), and some others have some banding. Luckily, apart from these, there are not many defects. Considering the high native resolution and quality of lines, we did not apply descaling and reconstruction. The processes instead focused on anti-aliasing, de-banding, compensatory sharpening...


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