Original Uploader(s):kunophil@U2
Upload speed(Reposters'/Reuploaders'):1.3MB/s
Duration:At least three years >>1000 days(Seed from time to time)
Seed for my whole ACG lifetime!!!
Please keep seeding after the download
Thanks for all the original uploaders and seeders (≧∇≦)/
Re:Happy download (´∩ω∩`)♡
Be patient(I will seed,if someone is leeching)
Please keep seeding after the download(Your generous seeding will help those who in extreme low speed)
If you got struck in former release,please hash directly.There are the same folders which contain the same files.
TMT (Trial version) http://www.arcsoft.com/totalmedia-theatre/ (Support Blu-ray Menu) Recommend